Saturday, June 14
The “Axis of Anarchy”
Harun Hassan, Open Democracy, June 12, 2003

If any continent deserves intervention, it is Africa.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo and East Africa a devastating human crisis
– failed states, ethnic violence, rampant disease and endemic insecurity – presents Bush and Blair with a moral as well as a political challenge.

With the war in Iraq over, George Bush and Tony Blair are still having difficulties convincing their critics that they were justified in taking this unprecedented military action. [...]

By finding new targets – by which I do not refer to the invasion of the remaining “axis of evil” countries – these two western leaders could show that they are genuinely committed to protecting world peace and liberating the oppressed.

... whereas there are other trouble zones around the world where people are being far more violently oppressed, killed, raped, maimed, kidnapped and denied the right to live in peace. The epicentre of this “axis of anarchy”, as it might be called, is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC, formerly Zaire, is the largest country in Africa. It is experiencing one of the most complicated and costly conflicts since 1945. In a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, at least 3.3 million people have died – the vast majority from starvation and disease, but many from deliberate bloodletting.... ...On top of this, the country is a battleground for six other African countries: Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia take the DRC government’s side, while Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi support different armed rebels. [...]
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