Thursday, August 14
Published on Thursday, August 14, 2003 by
The Iraq War Could Become The Greatest Defeat In United States' History
by Tom Turnipseed
The Bush/Cheney administration's military invasion of Iraq could become the greatest military defeat in United States' history. U.S. troops are being attacked daily by increasingly diverse forces in a chaotic guerrilla war. Since the U.S. and Britain did a preemptive invasion of Iraq against the advice and vocal opposition of most of the nations and peoples of the world, it presents a tremendous problem in getting any help from those who "told us so". The desperation of the U.S. military plight in Iraq was very clear when General Ricardo Sanchez, the U.S. commander in Iraq, commented on the daily casualties of U.S. soldiers in the guerrilla war. General Sanchez said, "Every American needs to believe this: that if we fail here in this environment, the next battlefield will be the streets of America."
Fighting in "the streets of America " is typical Bush/Cheney fear-mongering hyperbole. It echoes the top down use of the fear factor by the Bushies. Paul Bremer, the top U.S. civilian administrator in Iraq recently said, "I would rather be fighting them here than fighting them in New York". Such scare tactics are reminiscent of Bush's false admonitions of Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" and his justification of attacking Iraq to "prevent another 9/11". Ironically, although no "ties to Al Qaeda" have ever been proven regarding Saddam Hussein's regime as alleged by the Bush/Cheney regime, the bumbling U.S. war machine has managed to unite the opposite extremes of Islam against the U.S. in Iraq.
Fundamentalist Islamic factions are slipping into Iraq and joining with Saddam's secularists in a serious and tactically feasible efforts to drive out the U.S. occupiers. U.S. war policy has been led by a cabal of self-absorbed neo-Zionist and/or neo-cons, and that further reinforces the resolve of Zionist hating, Islamic militant leaders who sense they now have the mightiest military force in world history trapped, just where they want them, in the kind of a war they just might win in Iraq.