Friday, December 9
Murtha Returns to the Attack: Flays Commander-in-Chief's Claims
By ALEXANDER COCKBURN, Counterpunch, December 9, 2005
On the heels of the second in Bush's series of four speeches on the war in Iraq, Rep John Murtha returned to the attack in a press conference, responding to Bush's claims. Armed with graphs, bar charts and intimate knowledge of what is actually happening on the ground in Iraq, the former US Marine shredded Bush's claims, blazing a path for his fellow Democrats, which most of them continue to shun.
Once again Murtha relayed what the four star generals are telling him. Among his disclosures.
Logistical planning and supplies for US forces has all but disintegrated. Murtha:
"We had National Guard security people without radios -- couldn't talk to the front, the back of the convoy, endangering their lives... Forty thousand troops didn't have body armor."